Stock Donations Matched on August 17 for National Nonprofit Day!

To celebrate National Nonprofit Day , on August 17, our new partners at DonateStock are helping our supporters make the most of tax-advantaged stock gifts to the Southwest Coalition for Life.

On August 17, 2021, DonateStock will waive all fees AND match all stock donations up to $500 per donor … without any limit on how many donors they will match! 😲 This is a HUGE opportunity to support our new Medical Ultrasound Bus and outreach interns to help moms choose life in El Paso and Santa Teresa!

Stock markets are at all time highs, making it the perfect time to donate stock. Few people realize when donating stock instead of cash, you avoid capital gains tax, while deducting 100% of the value of your stock contribution. This brief video explains that in some cases, your tax-savings can even exceed the amount you initially paid for the stock!

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This underutilized option offers serious savings for you, bigger gifts for for our mission in the form of pre-tax donations, and more impact from your support to help moms save their babies from abortion!

And as I mentioned, DonateStock will match each stock gift up to $500 per donor on August 17 and will waive all processing fees, meaning every penny goes straight to our mission of ending abortion!

We are excited to be part of the official launch of DonateStock which is based out of Houston! (Article)

This amazing one-day opportunity will double the impact of your support while minimizing your taxes this year. If you are able, please consider taking 10 minutes to donate stock on Tuesday, August 17. 

Mark Cavaliere

Mark Cavaliere

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