Help Moms be Heroes!

Building a Culture of Life across the Borderland, peacefully and prayerfully (without protests or politics).

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Revolutionize the Meaning of Pro-Life

Our mission is to help YOU answer God’s call to be a voice for the voiceless and defend the least of those among us with love, compassion, and action. By helping abortion-vulnerable moms be the heroes God created them to be, you empower them to save their babies from the predatory abortion industry. As a result of your charity, abortion is quickly becoming unprofitable and unsustainable in the Borderland, with God closing three local abortion facilities in just over three years from January 2017 to March 2020.

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Love. Compassion. Action.

Through our innovative Her Care Connection program, you are now able to help us bring the life-saving care of free 2D/3D/4D ultrasounds right to the front doors of local abortion centers, connecting each woman who feels like she has no other choice to the care, support, and resources she needs to choose life. Our licensed medical team include an Ob/Gyn in Texas, a physician in New Mexico, a Nurse Manager, and two sonographers.

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Global Movement. Local Impact.


Known Babies Saved


Abortion Workers Quit


Abortion Centers Closed


Local Facilities Closed

Client Testimonials

Help Shape History

“The things, good Lord, that we pray for, give us the grace to labour for.” ~ St. Thomas More

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A Community in Unity

Regional Collaboration with Laser-Focused Impact

The Coalition for Life is bringing together churches, organizations, and individuals across state lines, denominational lines, organizational lines, and even partisan lines, to put our faith into action with a proven strategy of helping God end the unjust violence of abortion at the local level in spite of politics — not by petitioning Caesar to help our neighbor for us, but by getting our knees on the ground, petitioning our King, and meeting women where they are at without shame or judgement to serve and love them as Christ.

Contact Us

Help Moms. Save Babies. End Abortion.

“Do not wait for leaders; do it yourself, person to person.” ~ Mother Theresa

Help STOP the $10 Million Tax-Funded Abortion Center in Las Cruces!