Celebrating Texas Heartbeat Law While Preparing for Santa Teresa to Become “Back Alley Abortion Clinic” for Texas

We celebrate the new Heartbeat Law as a huge step in the right direction toward protecting all persons at every stage of life from conception to natural death. At the same time, we are also preparing to see a dramatic increase in women who feel they have no choice but abortion traveling from across the state of Texas just 1/2 mile across the state line to Santa Teresa, New Mexico.

New Mexico is infamous as the “late-term abortion capital of the nation” where there are no restrictions on abortion even up to the day of birth and for minors without parental consent.

We are very concerned about the safety of women engaging the services of the abortion center in Santa Teresa where abortionist Franz Theard had a woman arrested last year following two botched abortions, which may lead to the Borderland becoming the “back alley abortion clinic” for the entire state of Texas.

We are more committed than ever before to rallying the community to compassionately empower women and couples facing unexpected pregnancies to be heroes of their circumstances with our free mobile ultrasounds, free medical services, and free community resources to help with the joys of pregnancy, adoption, and parenting for years to come, in addition to after-abortion care and legal support without shame or judgement for women who are harmed by abortion in any way. 

Mark Cavaliere

Mark Cavaliere

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