GUEST SPEAKER: New Mexico Right to Life Director & Governor Candidate Ethel Maharg to Join Borderland Kickoff Rally

Don’t miss our big 40 Days for Life kickoff rally TOMORROW, Tuesday, Sept 21 at 6pm, as we launch our next biblical campaign of peaceful prayer, fasting, and vigil which has led to 19,198 known lives saved, 221 abortion workers converting, and 112 abortion facilities closing … including 3 right here in the Borderland … and has also led to our big announcement we’ll be revealing at the event!

I am also excited that we will be joined by my good friend ETHEL MAHARG of the New Mexico Right to Life Committee who is traveling down to speak to you at the kickoff!

Not only is she a dear friend and an amazing pro-life advocate, but she’s also running for governor of New Mexico … which is currently infamous as the “late-term abortion capital” of the nation, and now harming an influx of Texan women following the Heartbeat Law. 

NOTE: The Southwest Coalition for Life is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and never endorses any candidate nor party.

In addition to hearing from Ethel, by attending this free kickoff rally, you will also be:

  • AMAZED to hear our big announcement before anyone else which the Texas Alliance for Life said they’ve never seen before! 
  • EQUIPPED with your free t-shirt for everyone who commits to pray one hour a week between Sept 22 to Oct 31
  • INTRODUCED to other like-minded prayer warriors uniting in our 40-day unbroken chain of prayer, fasting, and vigil
  • CONNECTED with local pregnancy help centers and pro-life resources empowering more women to choose life
  • MOTIVATED by real first-hand testimonies from women affected by the violence of abortion
  • INSPIRED by the staggering results both locally and beyond of this global movement of the Holy Spirit
  • EDUCATED about the new Texas Heartbeat Law and what it means for our local pro-life efforts 
  • CONFIDENT knowing exactly what easy actions you can take as part of a united, proven, and peaceful effort making a profound local impact to help moms, save lives, and end abortion

Join Ethel, myself, our Coalition team, and fellow prayer volunteers at this Kickoff Rally at 6:00 PM, Tuesday, September 21 at Westside Community Church … just 10 minutes from the last active abortion center in the Borderland, where you will also get an exclusive tour of their beautiful new Westside Pregnancy Center!

  • WHO: Pro-life prayer volunteers + friends
  • WHAT: 40 Days for Life Kickoff Rally (in-person event!)
  • WHERE: Westside Community Church, 201 E Sunset Rd, El Paso, TX 79922 | Click here for directions
  • WHEN: 6:00 PM, Tuesday, September 21 
  • WHY: Celebrate a major announcement and kickoff our next prayer campaign to help God end abortion in the Borderland!

After you RSVP by clicking above, be sure to share this link everyone you know who believes in the power of prayer and the sanctity of all human life!

P.S. – Throughout Scripture, God uses the timeframe of 40 days to transform individuals, cities, and the entire world … which is why from September 22 through October 31, we’re joining 612 cities in the world’s largest peaceful prayer vigil putting 2 Chronicles 7:14 into action to humble ourselves and seek God’s face so that He will continue to heal our land. Learn more here.

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Picture of Mark Cavaliere

Mark Cavaliere

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