David Gallegos: Champion of Chivalry

Senator David Gallegos, a dedicated public servant and a champion of life, exemplifies the values of the Southwest Coalition for Life through his unwavering advocacy for the unborn and his steadfast defense of women and children. Born in Holman, New Mexico, and raised in Colorado, David’s journey in public service began with a deep commitment to community, evidenced by his 21-year tenure on the Eunice school board. His professional background in the natural gas industry and construction management, coupled with his 41 years of marriage to Sonya and their shared joy in parenting two daughters and a granddaughter, have shaped his compassionate, family-centered worldview.

In 2012, David broke new ground as the first Hispanic elected to the New Mexico House of Representatives for District 61, demonstrating his ability to listen and advocate for the needs of his constituents. His selection as an Emerging Leader in 2013 and his participation in the Statesman Academy in 2017 further honed his skills in legislating with integrity and a focus on statesmanship.

David’s commitment to life and his role as a protector were profoundly impacted by a tragic incident in Hobbs, where a newborn was discarded in a dumpster. This event was a catalyst for his involvement in the Safe Haven bill, leading to the establishment of Safe Haven boxes throughout New Mexico. These boxes provide a safe, anonymous option for mothers in crisis, allowing them to leave their newborns in a secure, monitored environment, ensuring the baby’s immediate care and safety. David’s efforts have already saved lives, including a five-pound, ten-ounce boy in Hobbs, and continue to provide life-saving options for mothers and their children.

Beyond his work with Safe Haven boxes, David has been instrumental in advocating for pro-life policies in New Mexico and Texas. He played a key role in the passing of the Sanctuary City for the Unborn ordinance in Hobbs and Eunice, helping stop two abortion facilities in Hobbs, and challenging the New Mexico governor’s policies and setting a precedent with significant legal and moral implications. His efforts culminated in the “City of Eunice vs. State of New Mexico” case announced at the United States Supreme Court, a potential landmark in the pro-life movement.

David’s personal chivalry is evident in his approach to family and public service. He sees his role as a father and protector as paramount, always putting family and moral values ahead of political considerations. His involvement with the Southwest Coalition has been transformative, long supporting initiatives like our mobile ultrasound bus and advocating for comprehensive women’s healthcare. He recognizes the deep connection between life issues and the authenticity of natural womanhood, standing firm against societal trends that undermine traditional values.

Senator David Gallegos’s life and work embody the virtues of faith, hope, and love, making him a deserving first-time recipient of our Champion of Chivalry Award. His dedication to life, his defense of the vulnerable, and his commitment to authentic womanhood align perfectly with the mission of the Southwest Coalition for Life, making him a true champion in the fight for the sanctity of life.

Watch the full award presentation at https://livestream.birthofhope.org/

Mark Cavaliere

Mark Cavaliere

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