Caroling for Life: An Impassioned Christmas Eve Prayer Vigil

With hearts heavy yet hopeful, we have unsettling news to share. Disturbingly, the local abortion facility intends to perform procedures on a day that for many encapsulates the message of life, love, and new beginnings: Christmas Eve, which is on a Sunday, no less. This revelation strikes a saddening chord, especially juxtaposed against our recent ‘Birth of Hope’ gala.

We are reminded, with a deep sense of sorrow, of the tragic story of the Holy Innocents. Yet, we believe in the power of prayer, unity, and the spirit of Christmas to bring about miracles, no matter how grim the circumstances.

In response, we are announcing “Caroling for Life” – a heartfelt Christmas Eve prayer vigil. We will gather peacefully outside the facility from 7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., blending our voices in harmonious Christmas carols, praying fervently for a Christmas miracle—the affirmation and celebration of every life.

We cordially invite you to join us for any amount of time that you can spare during this crucial event. As we wrap up, we’ll be offering hot cocoa to warm our bodies as our hearts are warmed by the shared conviction that love, compassion, and action can illuminate a path to a life-affirming future.

In this season of miracles, we hope that our united voices singing the joyous melodies of Christmas can ring out louder than the silence surrounding this issue, and bring about a genuine change. Because no woman should ever feel she has only one choice … and every life is worth celebrating.

Mark Cavaliere

Mark Cavaliere

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