Day 33: Be Gracious and Compassionate

Day 33- Be Gracious and Compassionate

We are neither more merciful than God nor are we more righteous than God. Grace and compassion can be lost on us. Oftentimes, whether we know it or not, we may try to put ourselves in God’s seat and take the role of judge. 

The Judge’s Role

Psalm 11:4-7 says, “He observes everyone on earth; his eyes examine them. The Lord examines the righteous, but the wicked, those who love violence, he hates with a passion. On the wicked he will rain fiery coals and burning sulfur; a scorching wind will be their lot. For the Lord is righteous, he loves justice; the upright will see his face.” 

Initially, we may think, “Yes, Lord, bring that upon all those abortionists and on those politicians who are behind it all. Look, God, just how wicked they are!” Or we may be like the Prophet Ezekiel who cried to God and said, “Alas, Sovereign Lord! Are you going to destroy the entire remnant of Israel in the outpouring of your wrath?” 

God responded, “The sin of the people… is exceedingly great; the land is full of bloodshed and the city is full of injustice… so I will not look on them with pity or spare them, but will bring down on their own heads what they have done.” (Ezekiel 9:9-10)

But how can God love justice and also show mercy?

The Judge’s Grace and Compassion

Scripture tells us, “Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; therefore He will rise up to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for Him.” (Isaiah 30:18)

Why? Because his justice demands there to be mercy. God’s just character does not allow any sin to abide. It permits no wrongdoing or mistake. So because He knows we can not keep His laws and meet His expectation of living godly and holy lives, He made a way for us. 

The only way He could receive us and welcome us into His presence was through His son Jesus. He was the perfect lamb that could take the punishment that we deserve and make us white as snow. 

So then, let us show grace and compassion to all those who have participated or contributed in any way in abortion. Let us not try to be the  judge or take the seat of being more righteous than they or take the stance of being more merciful than God. 

Let us simply be the hands and feet of Christ, and allow God to speak to them through our peaceful and prayerful witness.

Our 7-Day Jericho March will start next week on Monday, October 25th through Sunday, October 31st. We will be meeting at Santa Teresa (5290 McNutt Rd) every day from 6pm-7pm. Each day is a different prayer intention with a Pastor or Priest leading. Hope to see you, and let’s come believing that God will close another clinic down in Jesus’ name.

Devotional for Day 33

Intention: May we absorb the truth that God is paying attention to us, and to each human life, personally and individually. 

Scripture: Can a Mother forget her infant, be without tenderness for the child of her womb? Even should she forget, I will never forget you.  – Isaiah 49:15, 26b
Reflection: God knows that as horrible and terrible as it is, that there are mothers that DO forget their infants, that ARE without tenderness for the child of their womb. How does God want US to respond? He wants us to respond as HE would respond; with tenderness, love, forgiveness, mercy. When the “culture of death” has penetrated all of society, and the light of truth is all but snuffed out in the public market place, it is easier to see how many people can be so deceived; so deceived as to be able to do the unthinkable, yet for some, feel justified for their “choice.” Yet God wants us to reach out with LOVE, and COMPASSION, GENTLENESS, and UNDERSTANDING, MERCY and FORGIVENESS. Let us spread the light of TRUTH and LOVE until our whole community will support LIFE from natural conception until natural death.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, hear our prayer for all the mothers that are contemplating going to the “Women’s Reproductive Clinic” or “Planned Parenthood” abortion facilities to abort their baby this week. Orchestrate the circumstances in their lives TODAY, to reveal to them how much that YOU, O LORD love them, and the precious life within their womb. Please give them the courage to choose life and to know that they will not walk alone, but that we the Pro-Life Community will walk with them. In Jesus’ Holy Name we pray. AMEN.

Picture of Rebekah Vasquez

Rebekah Vasquez

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